Home Canned Salsa

Eons ago I never knew what salsa was then Taco Bell came to Canada and I was hooked.  I was so hooked that I cloned the recipes and started making my own salsa.  Home canned salsa is beyond delightful, tasting so much nicer than the store bought varieties.  In fact, it tastes so much better many refuse to eat the 'swill' commonly called salsa in the stores.  Who can blame them.  Home canned salsa is made with fresh ingredients picked that day, free of artificial colourants or preservatives.  It's the real deal!

home canned salsa
I make my home canned salsas in three strengths: hot, medium and mild although every once in awhile a fire batch sneaks through.  Pictured are 8 - 500 ml jars each of hot, mild and medium salsas.  This is no where enough salsa to get us through the year.  If trying to figure out the amount of salsa to can, seriously go for 52 - 500 ml jars.  That is one jar per week for the year.

I love the look of salsa in the jars.  It is just gorgeous, what do you think?  I did end up making another batch bringing my total number of 500 ml jars to 36 which is down from last year.  Still, the jars look good :)

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