Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt Giveaway

I have been an ambassador with the Life Made Delicious program for a little over three years now.  Not only do I get to enjoy the multitude of great recipes on the Life Made Delicious website, and share my experiences with family, friends and readers of this blog, I get the opportunity to test out new General Mills food products.  A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sign up to try the new Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt.  I received 4 coupons ($5 value each) to cover the costs of the yogurt and a $100 gift card for Lululemon.  Keep reading because you will have a chance to win the same simply by leaving a comment on this pos!

new Yoplait Source Greek Yogurt
We use a lot of yogurt and to be honest with you, a good portion of this homemade yogurt.  I cook and bake with yogurt fairly often.  A few years ago, I began substituting Greek style yogurt for sour cream.   I also use vanilla flavoured yogurt as a dessert topping occasionally in place homemade whipped cream.   Plain Greek style yogurt is about half the calories of sour cream, while being lower in fat and cholesterol, just slight higher in sodium (34 mg vs 30 mg in 2 tbsp), slightly higher in protein (1.2 g vs 1 g in 2 tbsp) and the same amount of carbohydrates.  Flavoured yogurts are often quite high in carbohydrates.

I used one of the coupons to buy a Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt 8-pack, 4 x 100 g each of vanilla and lemon flavoured yogurt.  I reasoned that both flavours could be used as a dessert topping and at only 50 calories each with 2X more protein, it would be perfect for snacking especially at our vacation home where I haven't made yogurt yet.  This yogurt is fat and cholesterol free making it a guilt free, healthy snack! There is no added gelatinOh and while this is not important to everyone, it is to us...the containers can go into the recycle box unlike some single serve yogurt containers.

The Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt is a thick, fully bodied, creamy yogurt.  I liked both flavours that were light and refreshing, not overpowering.   Both could be used in so many ways because they pair nicely with fruits.  I'm tweaking a light sauce/salad dressing using the lemon yogurt and blueberries that would like be equally tasty using raspberries or citrus zest in place of the blueberries.  I will be looking for the Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt at our vacation home in Florida. 

breakfast waffle with Yoplait Source Greek yogurt and fruit
My husband and I are taking a balanced approach to better health via healthy eating, daily exercising, stress reduction and adequate sleep.  We try to walk outdoors for 30 minutes daily but when the weather is bad, we use the elliptical trainer.  Some days we do both.  Swimming is part of our routine at our vacation home and my husband golfs there as well as during the golf season here.  When the warmer weather arrives here, swimming is added to our daily routine.  It is amazing how just a little daily exercise can improve your health, reduce aches and pains, lower blood pressure and lower stress.  And it is free!  We even removed the television from the master bedroom because the blue lighting in the screen interrupts melatonin production, reducing the quality of sleep.  Watching television while drifting off to sleep can actually trigger stress responses in the body as well so it is best to not watch television within an hour of bedtime.  Neither of us are breakfast people.

I can't tolerate eating anything within at least an hour of waking.  So, I start my mornings and right now that means 4 AM with a glass of water followed by herbal tea and finally a coffee before eating.  Eating a high protein, hot breakfast on the weekend isn't a real problem but neither of us want bacon and eggs on a daily basis.  My husband has no problem eating as soon as he gets up and he occasionally eats dry cereal, something I don't.  We both occasionally eat hot cereal like Red River.  I make waffles, pancakes and French toast from scratch in larger batches then freeze to use as needed.  All reheat nicely in the toaster.  This morning I heated a high fibre waffle then topped with a little 100% pure maple syrup, fresh berries and Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt vanilla flavoured yogurt.  Not pictured is the organic banana and cranberry juice that accompanied my breakfast.  It was not a heavy breakfast as I prefer lighter breakfasts usually fruit and yogurt or cottage cheese.  It was however a low fat breakfast rich in fibre, protein, and antioxidants. 

Yoplait Source Greek Yogurt Giveaway
Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt Giveaway

The Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt Giveaway is sponsored by Life Made Delicious.  Here is your chance to get 4 coupons valued at $5 each for Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt plus a $100 gift card to Lululemon (athletic wear).  All you need to do is leave a comment on this blog post before April 29, 2013.  Names will be entered into a drum and drawn by an independent (aka not associated with this blog) on April 30, 2013.  Winners will be notified by email so be sure to leave your email address with your comment.  The winner will receive their  Yoplait® Source® Greek Yogurt Givaway goodies directly from Life Made Delicious shortly after May 8, 2013.

Rules:  This giveaway is open only to Canadian residents.  There are other bloggers in the Life Made Delicious Ambassador Program who will be offering the same giveaway.  You are free to enter their giveaways as well but you may only win one prize. 

Disclosure – I am participating in the Life Made Delicious Ambassador Program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of General Mills. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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