Rib Roast

We have been in our new house officially as owners for five weeks but for the two weeks prior to that we were essentially living between two houses and three days after the closing date we left for our vacation home for a much deserved rest.    We've been home from the vacation home two weeks now so we are working on getting settled.  I'd love to report that I'm cooking up a storm but the reality is there is still a good amount of my pantry stock in boxes.  The movers in their ultimate wisdom dismantled one of my large Alea industrial steel racks and a knock off smaller gauge one (Canadian Tire).  We have yet to find the locking clips to hold the shelves so I could gladly give them a piece of my mind not that it would help any.  My husband wants another of the industrial racks anyway so he came up with a plan.  My partially assembled rack and already loaded will be finished tonight with the new purchase then the new rack will be partially assembled.  Hopefully somewhere in the process we find the locking clips. 

rib roast
At the moment, getting into the freezers is a bit problematic.  I have to move boxes as well as clear the tops of the freezers.  I made a path to both then grabbed a plastic grocery bin and filled it with whatever I could reach.  That bin went into my new [to me, it was part of the house purchase]  kitchen side-by-side.  We are eating from whatever was in that bin as well as what I can reach from my home canned and dried food supply.  Needless to say, meals have been rather simple.  I've been picking up the odd extras just to make the meal not so plain.

There was a rib roast in the bin so I used it to make a pot roast dinner by adding cut white potatoes, whole baby red potatoes and cremini mushrooms.  We really like how the baby red potatoes roast up!  I made gravy to accompany the dinner.  It was a simple, easy meal that freed up time to continue with the organizing.  Just wait until you see pictures of my new pantry! 

I am so excited!  Not only is the pantry spacious there is no more ducking to miss hitting your head on beams.  I have lots of space for everything needed for a well stocked pantry.  A friend of ours is custom making a lighted shelf for my kitchen to house a small selection of my cookbooks so that will be really nice.  He's coming out early next week to install it.  Now if you see the work he does, it will be gorgeous.  He made my husband these amazing solid wood, triangle shaped drink tables on wheels for the games room.  He also custom making us a medicine cabinet for the main bathroom and framing in the mirror for a more custom look.  He's going to be rather busy around our house :)

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