Summer Salsa

This has been a rather interesting summer with respect to produce.  Adverse spring and growing conditions has affected my home garden as well as local produce.  The asparagus and berry seasons were shorter.    Unlike other years, there hasn't been a break between the various produce.   Cucumbers ran into peaches that ran into tomatoes with pears starting as well.  I was starting peaches the same day I was finishing up peaches.  Tomatoes were about two weeks early so I was still doing peaches when the first of the tomatoes arrived.

summer salsa
I made a half batch of summer salsa to use up a few of the remaining peaches that also incorporated tomatoes and pears.  This was a good way to ease into the next produce while using up produce from the garden.  It was also a nice way to do a test batch of a new pantry product.

Summer salsa has a sweet, mellow flavour unlike the light, lively and spicy flavour of the popular tomato based salsa.  It would be good as a dip, condiment or as a topping for cream cheese based appetizers.  It is delicious!

Summer Salsa
modified from:  Bernardin Complete Guide to Home Preserving, 2006. Pp. 60

2 c peeled, seeded, chopped tomatoes
1 c peeled, chopped peaches
1 c peeled, chopped pears
½ c finely chopped red pepper
½ c chopped red onion
2 finely chopped jalapeño peppers
¼ c finely chopped fresh parsley
zest and juice of ½ lemon
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
½ tbsp finely chopped fresh mint
¼ c liquid honey

Wash and prepare vegetables and fruit.  Combine prepared fruits and vegetables in large stainless steel saucepan.  Bring to a boil.  Stir in parsley, lemon zest and juice, balsamic vinegar, mint and honey.  Boil gently 5 minutes.  Ladle into hot jars.  Wipe rims.  Adjust two piece metal snap lids (or Tattler reusable lids or glass inserts).  Screw bands on jars (adjust accordingly if not using metal snap lids).  Process for 250 ml for 15 minutes  in BWB canner at altitudes up to 1,000 feet above sea level.  At higher altitudes refer to altitude adjustment chart on Canning FYI page.  Remove from canner.  Adjust bands if using Tattler or glass inserts.  Allow to cool 24 hours.  Remove bands and test for seal.  Wash and dry bands and jars.  Label and store.

Yield: 5 - 250 ml jars

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