Charcoal Grilled Rib Steak

[An Aside: As I type this our custom woodworker is here doing the finishing touches in our kitchen.  Oh my gosh, I am so pleased with the results!  I'll post a picture or two tomorrow.]

We a huge fans of grilled foods, especially meats and poultry.  Our grill is used year round but sees heavier almost daily use during the hot summer months.  We have had plain charcoal grills, hibachis, propane, natural gas and electric grills ranging from tabletop/countertop, stove cartridges and full sized stand alone units.  Each type of fuel gives good results but each behave differently.  Electric built-in and stove cartridges don't give the depth of flavour when compared to gas or charcoal grills.  Propane runs hotter than natural gas so gives better grilling results.  Propane and natural gas are convenient giving good results but by far, the best fuel for flavour is charcoal.

charcoal grilled rib steak
Sunday night we grilled rib steaks for dinner.  It was the second last package of steaks in the freezer.  We are getting ready for our beef-on-the-hoof order so I want the freezers cleaned out.

The steak was grilled on charcoal to between blue and rare.  At one point I would not eat steak this way and still like it medium rare but grilled this way is delicious!  Now this is the way steak is meant to be cooked!   I served it with steamed asparagus garnished with sesame seeds and grill baked potatoes garnished with parsley flakes.  It was a delectable meal to welcome in the warmer spring weather.

No doubt there will still be a few chilly days but we are quickly approaching the ADLF (average day last frost) here.   That means my windowsills are filled with seedlings and trays waiting for germination.  All is good!

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