The Christmas Nutbowl

My foster Mom came out from England, actually born on the boat during the journey.   Her parents settled in southern Ontario making a living as farmers.  With a large family to feed there were not a lot of treats.  She told us the story of how special she felt getting a Christmas orange.  When she married having nuts on the table at Christmas was a sign of prosperity.  As long as I can remember oranges and nuts graced the coffee tables during the holiday season.  I carried that tradition on to our home.

cheese tray and nut bowl
My nut bowl is not fancy and it varies from year to year.  It's only partially filled so I will end up having two nut bowls this year which is fine as we will be doing a bit of entertaining.  Along with the nut bowl, I have a few other goodies that always grace the table during the holiday season.  Kibbeh and crab dip is a must, bringing in traditions from my husband's family. We've added a few of our own traditions over the years.

I always have one or more cheese trays.  This year I received a very generous pre-Christmas gift of a fancy cheese tray.  I will be serving brie with a maple topping on this gorgeous tray for its maiden run.  Watch for pictures coming shortly.  Let the entertaining season begin!

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